Sunday, February 24, 2019

Deerhunter w/ Mary Lattimore 2/23/19 College St. Music Hall

LA-based harpist Lattimore is an in-demand or maybe indie-indemand harp player who has backed many rock bands. Mary also has quite a pedigree of soundtrack scores. Coming from the baroque freak folk Philly scene with bands like Espers and collaborations with Meg Baird, Mary has put the harp front and center. Unfortunately missed her brief set on this evening.
Deerhunter is an indie-psych-pop outfit from Atlanta. Led by enigmatic frontman Bradford Cox, DH has been struggling to be heard since the mid-aughts. The band was Cox on vocals/guitar, keys/sax, drums, bass, and lead guitar. The drummer had a metal edge, which gave an arena sound. The band reminded me of Spoon, Grizzly Bear, and Animal Collective. Pop nuggets often devolved into loud psych workouts. Many tunes were pulled from their recent release "Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared?". Ended the show with their "hit", "He Would Have Laughed", which culminated in a frenzied light show noise-out that was great. Cox had this odd button on his mic which transformed his voice into a devilly rasp. At the encore, Cox came out to thank New Haven and Yale for gracing the world the most recent Supreme Court Justice Schlitz Kavanaugh. Using the devil rasp and a loop pedal, Cox chanted "I Went To Yale" and "I Like Beer" (Kavanaugh tag lines for the un-initiated) into a beelzebub MAGA rally, chilling.

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