Thursday, January 12, 2017

Mates of State 1/11/17 Bar

Local  husband and wife pop duo Mates of State are setting up a January residency for three consecutive Wednesday nights at Bar. Usually a residency implies workouts of tunes in progress or collaboration with some local musicians. On this evening, MOS played to a group of hardcore fans that head bobbed and sung along to every song. MOS have been at the pop trade since 2000, with some reasonable success. I noticed they have about 50k followers on Spotify. Man on drums and vocals, girl on Korg keys and vocals. Solid songwriting and great layered vocals made for an enjoyable set. It seemed as though these guys were getting back to their roots, feeling some local love, and getting out of the basement to get some feedback on their live material. I have seen these two many times before, at the Vibes, at Bar, and at some small local outdoor fests, they always seem to please.

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